[ ** Dear applicant fillup all required information, otherwise your application will be rejected. ]
Personal Information  
Full Name*
Student ID *
Father's name *
Mother's name *
Father's mobile *
Mother's mobile *
Program *
Cell Phone*
Date of birth*
Blood Group
Marital status*
Gender *
Fall 2024
Present address*
Permanent address*
same mailingaddress
Shift *
DIU Email *
Dhaka residence, if you are not residing with your family
Campus *

[Students who have not yet received DIU Email ID, are asked to complete the online application right after receiving the DIU Email ID]

Academic Information
Education Level SSC/Equivalent
Degree/Exam Title *
Passing Year *
Result *
: out of
Education Board *
Institute Name*
Education Level HSC/Equivalent
Degree/Exam Title *
Passing Year *
Group *
Result *
: out of
Education Board *
Institute Name*

Performance at DIU
Total Semesters Attended *
Total credits taken till now*
Total credits passed till now *
Total credits taken in last semester *
Last semester's SGPA *
CGPA till date *

Financial Liabilities of the family (Bank loan, House Building loan, Personal loan etc.) if any, with details NO    YES
Name of Bank/ Institutions
Amount of loan taken
Amount of outstanding Balance

Total annual income of the family (parents/guardians)  
Income amount BDT *

Annual family Expenditure  
Expense amount BDT *

Number of Family Members including you

Application Fee Information  
* Using "Payment" Option please pay TK. 102(commission included) from any bKash center/dealer to 01847027541 and enter bKash Transaction Code in below text field
Transaction Date : *

Declaration by Students  

* I declare that the information provided above are to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I do also declare that if financial aid is granted to me I will be bound by the rules and regulations of the university and the DIU code of conduct. .

Agree    Not Agree

** Dear applicant after submit the above information you must complete next others informations(which are applicable for you).
Otherwise application will not be submitted.
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